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How to Care for Strays

Nandini Sharma

(And stay safe while doing it!)

Going beyond the threshold of your house, school or workplace, you will encounter ample

stray animals, especially dogs. Some are either in good shape and health while others appear

to be famished, afflicted or on the verge of death. Viewing their state with an eye of pity is

natural, however, it does not hold much consequence and importance unless proper actions to foster them out of the predicament are taken.

Most stray dogs do not have fixed places to rest as they wander around in search of food,

being in the very path of danger from vehicles and relating hazards. They live in areas

encompassed by numerous health hazards and contaminants. They tend to fight amongst each

other over necessities such as water, food and shelter leading to more physical ailments.


1. Ensure Safety of Helpers

Before sprinting to help them, a few precautions are to be taken concerning the psyche of the animals and the safety of the helper. Considering the stance of these animals, their behaviour is often erratic. They tend to be hostile and can take grave measures in defence.

While approaching the animal is it pertinent to maintain some amount of space and using a barricade, such as sitting in a car. An individual should not approach the animal alone and should arrange for backup beforehand. There are many organisations that assist with this matter such as PFA (People For Animals) and Wildlife SOS. In case of an act of aggression, certain tools should be carried that deflect or restrain the animals without causing them harm such as water, a whistle, cloth or food to distract them with.

2. The Well-being of Strays in Gated Colonies

In gated colonies, strays often have locations to rest, however, their nutrition requirements are not always met. Residents of such colonies can form associations to look after the nourishment of these animals by arranging bowls of water and food supplies to be catered to each day. In case an animal is afflicted, members of the association can look after its treatment. For extra assistance, members can reach out to the NGOs that help animals, particularly strays. If their shelter is a concern, they can be settled in specified corners or allocated a gated area for their residence.

3. Forming a Community

Reach out to all those interested in the welfare of strays in your locality and form a community that supplies shelter, nourishment and medical care. Once a fair number of animals are under care they can be sterilized and given anti-rabies shots. When strays are overlooked it is easier to maintain their population and ensure that no one is neglected.

4. Providing Homes

Strays dogs are often not deemed as ideal pets as they are regarded simply as hostile and apathetic, however, under care and nurture, they become trusting and loving.

They need to care for in homes through adoption. Adoption calls for looking after their medical needs and enduring that they can be looked after in homes. However, if the dog is too afflicted or old for adoption, it can be looked after in permanent homes that provide constant assistance.

5. Address Animal Cruelty

In cases of animal cruelty, it is crucial to becoming the voice of animals by informing government officials of such ordeals and reaching out to NGOs dedicated to animal care to look after the animal. The perpetrators need to be held accountable and informed of the consequences of animal abuse.


Take Action

Now that you know how to care for stray animals, you can go ahead and register for our Stray Shelter Saviours campaign to start making a difference. It's a free and online guide with links and resources, and it'll help you make a commitment to helping strays, even if it's a small step in the right direction.



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