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Stray Shelter Saviours

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Help stray animals, that are constantly cruelly hurt, find a loving, safe home!

Stray Shelter Saviours
Stray Shelter Saviours

Time & Location

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About the event

In India, stray dogs and cats (around 30 million) are violently and cruelly beaten, driven away and left starving on the streets. These animals were domesticated by us centuries ago, and so it is our responsibility to give them a home. Stray dogs and cats are often considered inferior to store bought animals, but the truth is that these stores are very cruel towards these furry creatures, and treat them horribly. We need to reduce the stigma around strays and give them a safe, loving home. Stand up and protect them from animal cruelty.


  • Find a dog or cat to adopt from a shelter for strays. Most shelters give them to you free of cost, and also vaccinate them.
  • Or volunteer at a shelter. You can also donate some funds to them so they can keep up the good work!
  • Share this project and promote stray adoption among your friends, peers and family.

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Urvashi Balasubramaniam - The EcoClub United.

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