No Plastic Party
Participate when you're hosting a party
|Participate from anywhere
Get rid of disposable spoons, sparkly wrapping paper and plastic decor for a no plastic party!

समय और स्थान
Participate when you're hosting a party
Participate from anywhere
इवेंट के बारे में
The Problem
Our planet is choking on plastic! Plastic accumulates at an alarming speed, and hardly ever gets recycled. Disposable products are thrown away so often that they are destroying our planet (and never biodegrade!). Parties and celebrations are often very wasteful, and greatly harm the planet. What can we do to prevent it?
The Solution
We need to do our bit and reduce whatever plastic we use. A lot of plastic and non-reusable items are used in parties. A reduction of plastic waste could do a great deal for the environment! Celebration shouldn't come at the cost of the environment.
The Method
All you have to do is avoid the following :-
- Wrapping paper - newspaper is a good alternative!
- Balloons pose a huge threat to the environment (you can read more about it here)
- Confetti is made out of micro-plastics that choke the oceans and land. Learn to make eco-friendly confetti here and here!
- Disposable cups, plates and spoons - you can replace them with eco-friendly ones available on Amazon for about $10 (for 50 pieces!) Switch to home utensils if you don't have too many guests, and use bamboo and paper alternatives whenever you can!
- If your hosting a big celebration like a 4th of July or Diwali party, don't use firecrackers! (You can learn more at The EcoClub United's Diwali धमाका campaign)
Extra Credit
Instead of presents, ask your friends to donate to your favourite environmental cause. Or even hold it at an animal shelter so you can spend the day having fun with loveable furry critters and simultaneously help save the environment!