Caught on Camera
Participate anytime
|Participate from anywhere
Local problems often get overlooked and larger environmental issues often dominate headlines. Hold a photography contest to capture the small but important local environmental issues!

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Participate anytime
Participate from anywhere
इवेंट के बारे में
The Problem
Local problems often get overlooked and larger environmental issues often dominate headlines. Problems like littering, open burning of waste, animal cruelty and destroyed local ecology almost never appear in public papers until the situation becomes too serious to control. This causes a lack of awareness and apathy towards minor problems, and it's often too late to help out when it becomes a public concern.
The Solution
Photography is a powerful medium, and you can use it to save the environment. Hold a photography contest in your school or community to raise awareness and capture environmental injustice through striking images and photographs! Be sure to give The EcoClub United credit in your signs and banners and popularise the activity!
Tips & Ideas
- Hold the event around an important environmental date so you can use the topic as a theme. For example, on International Animal Rights Day (10th December) you can instruct participants to capture images around the topic of animal rights.
- Award the winner of the contest environment-friendly prizes (the sky's the limit! Think of some creative prizes to award the winners), donate in their name to a cause, or award them a membership to an environmental magazine.
- Hold an exhibition of the best photographs and sell prints, then donate the money to an environmental cause that relates to your contest theme
- See if you can get the winning photograph printed in a publication like a newspaper or popular newsletter to spread awareness
- Send us your winning photograph and a write-up about your contest to, and we'll feature it in our articles!